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So Chelsea Clinton got married.  In the week leading up to the wedding, the news media were abuzz with stories about the rumored wedding.  Why?  Because Chelsea Clinton is the daughter of a former President of the United States of America and we haven’t had a wedding of a First Child (or former First Child) in years?  Maybe.  Because we have a 24 hour news cycle that is begging to be filled?  Probably.

I thought I could find refuge from the media buzz at NPR while still getting a dose of the real news.  Not so.  Just a day or two before the wedding on “All Things Considered,” NPR aired a story about the wedding.  Only it turned out not to be a story about the wedding.  It was a story about how the news media – print, radio, television, you name it – had descended on Rhinebeck, New York, to try to get a scoop about the pending (and at that point still rumored) wedding.

I realized this reporter’ story wasn’t a story.  It was a story about the story.  And then I thought, “Hey, this is a personal, private moment.  Chelsea didn’t run for public office.  She isn’t a Hollywood celebrity.  Why on earth is that any of our business?  This certainly isn’t news.”

I realized that, not only was this reporter’s story not the story, it wasn’t a story about the story.  It was a story about the story that isn’t a story.  I figured I had to blog about this.

Then I realized that my blog posting would be a story about the story about the story that isn’t a story.  Maybe I should just delete this.



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